Keep your
business safe from
cyber threats

As a small business, you’re likely pressed for time to think about whether you have the right level of cyber security protection in place. But the reality is, even the smallest of incidents can be devastating for a small business – we’ve seen it happen first-hand and we want to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.

What’s involved in a cyber security audit?

At Red IT Solutions, we work hard to keep your organisational assets safe from threat and disruption. The first step is an online assessment to help us understand the following:

What happens once you’ve submitted a cyber security audit?

Once you complete the audit, receive a comprehensive report on the status of your Microsoft 365 account. With visualizations of key information, you will be able to quickly and easily make decisions on any remediation actions needed.

Ready to get started?

When you’ve got your security handled, it means you have more time to focus on growth, innovation, and to find new ways of creating value for your customers.

Complete your details via the form and let’s get started today.